
Before I am 21

I am the new kid on the blog!
My boyfriend told me about this webpage and we talked about how some people really have talent in writing. So, rather than daydreaming in front of my comp (I am on my internship and you must've known how 'busy' we are), I decided to try this.

Every year, I have resolutions. Twice a year actually; New year resolution and Birthday resolution. (This is normal for result-oriented wannabes). I used to write the list on a diary, red ink, giving them priorities, and in rare cases ; some items are being ticked on. Meaning: accomplished. Just like a grocery shopping list.
Unless I dont usually write my grocery shopping list in a locked diary...

The reason being is that the resolutions list is sometimes embarassing..and..they are private, you know.. and stupid.. out of reach aspirations..and I feel too much pressure when someone know my aspirations and pushing me towards it.

But people! the era is changing. You are alot more extrovert nowadays, eh? We share everything. Did you see what we posted on the network similar to this ? Gosh..
We are knowing more details about the people we barely talk to.

Anyway, yes, the era is changing, there is nothing wrong about knowing details about others, habits are changing, limits are shifting, so will I.

Things to do before I am 21:
  1. Visit Paris
  2. Understand Indonesian politics.
  3. Japanese language
  4. Stop smoking
  5. Learn CPR (and get the certificate!) -- I think it would be nice to shout :" Move away from that man, I can do CPR!" When there is someone needing it, of course.
  6. Visit Madame Tussauds,
  7. Boat trip on Amsterdam canals
  8. Stop going to casinos
  9. Start reading newspapers
  10. Actually make something from knitting!

That is it for now.

"Where is the embarassing part?" someone may ask. Ha-ha, I still have my locked diary at home.......


PS: Happy birthday, bro.

It's nice to know that you have many things to do before you are 21 years old. I'm so interested knowing that you want to understand Indonesian politics. but dude, to know more about Indonesian politics, you must start reading newspaper!!
Means that you should replace your ninth lists and put it to be on the top!!!
For stop smoking? make a self commitment, honey! I did it and succeed.
bye, miss u..
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