I just have to get it out...
I am distracted. I've been doing almost nothing since this morning . Well, it is Friday, office is more relaxed and alot of chatting around. But actually, I just saw the picture of the only girl that I hate so dearly. and it is bothering me more than I expected.
She posted a picture on a webpage, so naturally fair face, beatiful. She was beautiful I know, before she got so fat. I really had to stop myself from posting a comment for her picture:" this was yeearrss ago picture, you fat cow." i have nothing against fatness, in fact i am away from thin also. sorry. it's just her.
anyway, the story started some years ago, I did not know that she fancied her own friend, and I dated her friend, let's call this guy: Honcho. Okay.............. I probably did know that she fancied him. but i thought it was just competitive feeling and she did not want to be serious with him anyway. sobs. and since then, she stopped talking to me. after a while, Me and Honcho also ended, seriously, the ending was mainly because of the girl's whining for him to come back home and spend time with the pushy little princess who did not want a relationship anyway. She was f***ing selfish and I hate her. Now they are together (finally), the Honcho and the Princess.. and she still throws her face when she sees me!! unbelievably childish and hypocrete. the only kinds that I cant stand.
No, I'm not jealous. I dont care about Honcho anymore. NOW I can see that he was the indecisive one, selling out promises to both of us. . but this girl.. I hate her guts, hate how she smiles to everybody and then turn into a mad pig when she sees me. I mean, come on, what is your problem?? We fancied the same boy. That was it. I did not take him from you nor you took him from me. It was how it was. And now you have him. you won. (yeah, right).
Everything happens for a reason, I dearly thank God (and you, of course) that I stopped seing Honcho, instead I met a waaayyy better man for me. ha!
you know, after reading what I just wrote, I think I'm just jealous of your beauty. oh Laurentia...
Have a nice weekend all...
