SouLmaTe ?
Dita kept asking how do we know which one is our soulmate? I also keep wishing that God would show a clearer message.
Starting a new relationship was like a hobby for me. All the excitements, ow.. he's so sweet, so special, so charming..and any stupid move he does will seem like a brilliant piece of art to me.
How lovely those times were... Hence, girls like me (I know I'm not the only one) leap around from one prince to another, with a sweet smile, hoping to find those feelings again, and again, and again!
I will only stop leaping when I'm in a crossroad, having no other choice but to stop. Think. Choose. Right or left. him or him ? At this cant-make-up-my-mind-please-i'm-going-crazy stage, I would take pencil and paper, making a scheme, it looks like this:
Nick Carter (+) : Cute, look smart, rich, good voice, ... (-) : too skinny, stupid, was in a boyband,...
Leo DiCaprio (+) : Eyes like eagles, rich, i've liked him since i'm 14 years old,.. (- ): now fat and hairy, intimidating ex-es,..
Hohohoho... in a real life, I did get a long relationship from this kind of scheme once.. I chose the guy with more items on the (+) sides; I got a very patient, handsome, popular in school, sporty, great parents, kind, affectionate boyfriend -- who did not know how to make an email account.
I knew I was looking in the wrong categories. I was looking for the best boyfriend among the boys, not the best for me. If 'dullness in technology' (atau gap-tek) doesn't annoy another girl, how perfect is he!!
Slowly but sure, I got tired of leaping around. Not because of my weight. I'm pretty sure it's my age. I can stop saying that the relationship did not work out because: "you change!!", rather admitting my faults: I only know what I wanted to know.
Before trying to choose and love someone, I think you shoud love yourself first. Love who you are, know what you want. Do not misunderstand about not wanting to hurt them or not wanting to loose any one of them. We just need to be a big girl and learn to love any concequences and regrets from our decision.
It cant be worse than loosing both of them.
