"Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat ik ooit zal worden neergeschoten. Maar if it happens, it happens"
Theo Van Gogh, in an interview with RVU, a week before his death. (Metro, Wednesday 3 November)
*Translation: "I can not say if I will ever got shot down. But if it happens, it happens*
Theo Van Gogh was a person with so many friends, and even many more enemies. (Volkskrant,Nov 2, 2004). He made controversial movies, about religion and politics. He critizes Islam in his column in a famous newspaper in Holland. Almost a week ago, he was shot and stabbed during cycling, by someone who is obviously hurt by Theo's creations. An extremist.
His words must have hurt many people, but to kill someone for this is even more wrong. wronger. whatever.
After his last controversial movie,
0605, he has been receiving many death threats, he did say "If it happens, it happens",
Obviously, Theo was more compliant about his own death than his friends . The Dutch.
The same night he was killed, angry Dutch gathered to shout their opinion and condolences for Theo. (I believe they are more angry than sad). Personally, I think the Dutch felt they have been taken for granted. Holland has been welcoming foreigners, helping them find shelters and jobs to do in their land.
"In this land, we do not kill people, because they show opinions" a colleague of Theo shouted this, followed by a roar of agreement by 20,000 Dutch in DamSquare.
A letter that the killer left under Theo's body, was written like a poem, wishing death for the hypocretes.
'No discussion, no demonstration, no petition, only death shall differentiate Truth from Lies'
Vice prime minister, Zalm, declared yesterday "we verklaren de oorlog terug. We voeren de strijd op en zullen radicale islamitische bewegingen uit Nederland doen verdwijnen"
*Translation: We explain the war. We intensify the fight and radical Islamic movements from the Netherlands to disappear
I told you they are angry..
I grew up in Indonesia, a country with many problems. Therefore I have been considering Holland a very safe place to live. Now that the Dutch strikes back --they have just burned some mosque, and a bomb in a moslem school in
Eindhoven, safe is not the right word anymore.
Holland's ministers called the moslem school bombers: "idiots".
I agree. Those kind of strikes back did not - and will never - work anywhere.
If there is a way to stop this 'heilige oorlog' without sacrificing the innocents, I put high hopes on Holland to show
Fingers crossed,
>>the news (in English)
>>Mohammed B. (in Dutch)
>>The letter (in Dutch)