My favourite artist has always been Michelangelo Buonarroti and it is not merely because he drew and sculputured lots of naked men.

Together with da Vinci, he was one the most potent force in the Italian High Renaissance. He produced at least two relief sculptures by the time he was 16 years old, the Battle of the Centaurs and the Madonna of the Stairs. Eventhough da Vinci was the genius one, I adore Michelangelo for he had achieved a personal style at a very early age. I think sometimes you want to be alot of things in life, and it is difficult, you want to be successful, to have love, to be famous, also being liked by everybody. but in the end, it really is just about being yourself.
Having a personal style, finding who I am and being happy with it, that is what I call: living a life. As early as possible if I may, just like Michelangelo.
Anyway, my favourite painting is the one he painted on the ceiling of The Sistine Chapel. Working high above the chapel floor, lying on his back on scaffolding, Michelangelo painted, between 1508 and 1512, some of the finest pictorial images of all time: Nine scenes from the Book of Genesis, beginning with God Separating Light from Darkness, Creation of Adam, the Creation of Eve, the Temptation and Fall of Adam and Eve, and the Flood.
Years ago I saw this piece of Creation of Adam, I made a copy and put it in my diary until I left it in my hometown. I remember why I did that, I was wondering if the hands are reaching out or letting go. I still dont know.

love, l.l.d